11 Feb 27 - Phraewa N Ayutaya who crashes on van, killed 9 victims flipped the case
Today, 27 Feb 2011, Phraewa Thaephasadin N Ayotaya's faimly had announced on public that the girl's car did NOT crash on the van. Easily said, the Thaephasadin family said that Phraewa, (all evidence are clear that she crashes on the van) is innocent. What are the police doing? Where is Justice in Thailand? Money prevails? Money is everything in Thailand? BRING US JUSTICE!! Below are the pasted post of what I post last month. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Last year, 29th December, an accident occurred where an underage (or 18) years old girl who were driving under the influence of alcohol crashes on a van full of passengers on a high way. The girl were uninjured, however, van's passenger suffers heavy lost. 8 were instantly killed, roughly 3 flew from the high way to the bridge across, another 3 were trampled across the road, bleeding to death, while the other 2 died on the way to the hospital. What is intrigued me is, the girl who is th...