
Showing posts from September, 2012

12 Sep 15 - It's time to let it go

I wonder how many times this will happen in life. Was it due to the curse I placed upon myself? How do I dispel the curse? An entity of non-existence, I do not wish to just materialize, I wish to only exist within a special someone. Am I really that dangerous? I dont regret loving you.. You're one very sweet person. It's too bad I cant be the one to take care of you. So I offer you my last gift, the gift of "safety" that you spoke off. I'll watch you from afar, keeping my distance, N'   Fang . Here a Goddess of happiness cries, An endless timeless lullaby. Sings her song of the dreams she had, The sadness fills her eyes. End of love, love is gone, No more dreams to dream about so life, is done. If it's so, cut the thread, It's time to let it go.... Tears they flow to the thirst of the Gods, The ocean roars drowned out by rain. Blameless wolf carries on alone, The silence now surrounds him. Sooner than, dreaming ends, Morn...

12 Sep 11 - Amazing Reply

Pretty depressed lately, due to those I called friends are somehow "faking" things out to rip something out of me, either money, knowledge or just when I'm useful to them. When I'm useless, they just ignores me entirely. I've observes the situation for quite a while and it's very obvious. While browsing upon something that may help with my depression: "1st, know you're not wrong. You are being brainwashed, but it isn't quite as intentional or sinister as you might think. Society creates a framework so that future generations can grow up and support that framework. It may sound awful to you, but if such a system weren't in place, there would be too many elements in society pulling in too many directions and it wouldn't grow. Most of this guiding force happens without the direct knowledge of the people doing it. Schools train kids to think a certain way, wh...